They Love Icahsahaja

July 6, 2012

Balik Kampung


I just got a news that my best friend, ellya amirah is already here in Malaysia yesterday from Czech for her holiday of coz. Nak jerit bole??? arghhhhh.. tak saba nak jumpe! hehe.. oke dah..
That is mean she already balik kampung la kan? Seronoknya.. Wish to see her now.. *psst. tgk gambar2 macam dah makin comel.. hehe*. jangan marah..

Whatever it is, she make me start counting with my fingers berapa lama dah aku tak balik kampung. Countless! *ketuk dahi* Yang dari oversea pun dah balik kampung aku yang tak over the sea ni. Hurmm.. Then petang tadi aku dapat mesej dari kakak aku, "icah kita balik kampung dulu gudluck exam".. erk.. T.T Yups, my siblings semua balik kampung hari ni.. termasuklah yang dekat seri iskandar nun.. Arghh.. guling2... so what am I doing here then!?  balik la kampung weyh! Semua tu perasaan dan keinginan jeee. Hati? hurmm 50 50.. Why ha? Aku tengah final exam laaa weyh.. Petang tadi yang my sister mesej tu aku tengah memerah otak dalam dewan la tuu.. huhu. Pastu kenapa sekarang tak balik? Sebab nye. Ahad ni paper last aku.. 9 pagi. Then 10 haribulan ada prototype presentation. So many thing to do. I wish, I am a friend to doraemon. I am serious here, please someone make it true.. hurm.. I miss my family so much! Especially mama n papa!! can't wait to see the both of you next weekend. Yep, they are coming to KL. Of coz to see me. Haha.. No la, we are going to SABAH for holiday! yeay! Seriously I can't wait for it. Doraemon please. hehe.

 Ok la.. Nak ngadap 11 chapter ni. Wish me luck semua! Thanks a lot. and to my family, enjoy your weekend as much you can, that is enough for me even i'm not there.. and take care too :)

Lots of love,


1 comment:

Ellya `Amirah said...

icah!! balik cepat. XD

icah aku xde kredit nk rply msg.sobs.nnt aku topup..
btw psl kasut tu aku x dpt bwk balik :(
sorry! sbb luggage dh x muat dh. :(
next year okey?

goodluck exam and happy holiday ya! XD