They Love Icahsahaja

December 28, 2009


*what the fish
untuk ape korunk msg ak n cari ak...?
untuk minx tlg dr ak y baek ni..
*baek ke..? baek x kene tempat...
tlg apekah..?
tlg anta korunk to sumwhere u alls nk pegi..
sbb apekah...?
sbb ak ade kete leyh bwk korunk an..
hello that is muh dad's car.. OK...!
it is not mine...
*ak bkn nk berkira..n ak bkn nk BERLAGAK k...!
tp mslhnye...
korunk cr ak hanya sbb itew..
ok.. ak x kesah laa nk bwk korunk kemane y korunk nk..
tp biler ak xleyh nk tlg ats sbb2 tertentu..
pe y korunk ckp kat ak..??
"owh yeke. xpela.. bye.."
"hurmm.... ko sj kan.."
"e'eleh pe gune ade kete...."

*skali lg ak ulang itew kete bapak ak...
siap ade y sggp maki ak..
*kwan pe cmtu..
then biler ak leyh bw korunkk...
thanx..haram nk kuar dr mulut korunk...
*bkn nk ungkit...or berharap kalo dah slalu sgt..
susa sgt ke nk sebut thanx tuu..
ke x reti bi...
terima kasih... toce... byk lg bhasa leyh gune..
bkn ak minx duit minyak pon...
*xpnh minx lgsg... n ak bkn nk ungkit...
korunk cr ak cume biler ade probs..
*ok ak x kesah pon.. ak ske...skrg2nye korunk engat ak
tp biler ak y ade probs...
*ni y ak dpt dr korunk...
-ak bz la weyh... nnt2 la ea..
*haram..smpai sudah xde...
"ak xtawu nk kater ape..."
"ko y cr mslh..."
"ak x terlibat..."
"oh yeke..."

penah ke ak ckp cmni kat korunkk...?
penah ke??
n mslhnye skunk biler ak x citer kat korunk
korunk kater
"smpai aty ko x citer kat ak"
"pe gune kawan"

siap merajuk sakan lg....
kalo xde mslh jgn hrp korunk nk msj ak an...
biler hepy bkn men lg... snyap je..
seng citer korunk ni mmg kawan y **HAMPEH
**kalo ekotkn ak xnk ckp cmni... ak syg korunk.. tp ak da xleyh nk saba kot...
ade sesape terasa x??
bgs la kalo terasa...
ak suke..

p/s: "korunk" dlm ni xde kene mengena ngan muh fruity... n uitm mates..


pka.fyra said...

chill babe..
kaw hempok jew org camtueh~

mesen taip bernyawa said...

i hate dats kind of FRIENDS .
aku pun de kwn cam tuh gak weyh .
siyezz saket hati .

icahShafie said...

thanx... hurmm. nk mencarut membe.... hem...

greengreenlove said...
