They Love Icahsahaja

January 11, 2009

yeay.. killed the enemies..

enemis..?? who..?? hello i'm not killing people ok but...MR. NYAMUK...2 or 3 days ago.. papa has just bought an ELECTRONIC MOSQUITO BAT.. not one but two.. haha.. so all the nyamuk in this big house berkurangan maa.. all the nyamuk takot meyh.. besh ouhh when the nyamuk hit the bat.. there is a sound like 'zrit..zrit..' cam bunyi karen 2.. syokk uuu... so KAK YAN dun be afraid anymore maa... just take the bat n kill ur enemies MR.NYAMUK till HANGUS.. hahaha..
ni le SENJATA pemusnah MR.NYAMUK


miappleista said...

Kejam tul ko nie.. Leh lak besh Ble bunuh nyamuk.. Hahaha.. Btw, chantek ko nyer header tue.. Cam ala2 techno sikit.. Ngeh3!

pka.fyra said...

cam kejam jea..huhuh..ta pe..nyamok2 tue da mati syahid kan..ahahah..